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Malta Income Tax Rate  for 2017-2018. Personal income Tax Rates for Resident and Non Resident. Capital Gain Tax and Corporate / Companies taxes.



Malta Individual Income Tax Rate for 2017

Tax Rates for Filing Singly

Taxable Income (Euro) Tax Rate
0 to 9,100 0%
9,101 to 14,500 15%
14,501 to 60,000 25%
60,001 and over 35%


Tax Rates for Married Couple

Taxable Income (Euro) Tax Rate
0 to 12,700 0%
12,701 to 21,200 15%
21,201 to 60,000 25%
60,001 and over 35%


Tax Rates for Parents

Taxable Income (Euro) Tax Rate
0 to 10,500 0%
10,501 to 15,800 15%
15,801 to 60,000 25%
60,001 and over 35%


Tax Rates for Non Residents in Malta

Taxable Income (Euro) Tax Rate
0 to 700 0%
701 to 3,100 20%
3,101 to 7,800 30%
7,801 and over 35%


Capital Gain Tax in Malta

- 12% on Transfer value of property. Only brokerage fee can be reduced from selling price.

- 7% if the seller has inherited the property before 25th January 1992

- 5% with holding tax, if the seller is not involved in property selling and property sold within 5 years

- 10% capital gain tax if the seller has acquired the property prior to 1 January 2004


Rental Income

Taxable rental income is calculated less:

- Any rent or ground rent payable to the owners relevant to the property

- License fee related to the Malta Travel and Tourism Act

- Interest expenses on housing loans

- Allowance of 20% on the gross income remaining after deducting the rent and license fees.  The standard 20% allowance covers maintenance costs, repairs and related expenses.

If the non resident elected to be part of the Individual Investor Program, gross rental income will be taxed at a flat rate of 15%.


Corporate / Company Income Tax Rate in Malta for 2017

Description Tax Rate
Standard income tax rate on companies 35%


Shareholders are entitled to a refund of part or of all the tax paid by the company. Thus company profits will only be subject to tax at corporate level.


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