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South Africa, Income Tax Rate  2017-2018 for Personal (Individual) tax, Capital Gain Tax and Corporate / Companies, Residents and Non Residents



South Africa Personal Income Tax Rate for 2017-18

(1st March 2017 to 28 February 2018)

Taxable Income (R) Tax Rate Amount (R)
0 to 189,880 18% Taxable Income x 18%
189,881 to 296,540 26% 34,178 + 26% of above R189,880
296,541 to 410,460 31% 61,910 + 31% of above R296,540
410,461 to 555,600 36% 97,225 + 36% of above R410,460
555,601 to 708,310 39% 149,475 + 39% of above R555,600
708,311 to 1,500,000 41% 209,032 + 41% of above R708,310
Above R1,500,000 45% 533,625 + 45% of above R1,500,000


Rebates for 2017-18

Primary - R13,635

Secondary - R7,479

Tertiary - R2,493


Tax Threshold for 2017-18

Age below 65 - R75,750

Age 65 and over - R117,300

Age 75 and over - 131,150


Capital Gain Tax rate in South Africa for 2017-2018

Type of Assessee Tax Rate 2018 (Proposed) Tax Rate 2017
Individuals and Special Trusts 18% 16.4%
Companies 22.4% 22.4%
Other Trusts 36% 32.8%



Income Tax Rate for Company, Trust and Small Business Corporation (SBC) for 2017-18 in South Africa

Financial Year Tax Rate
01.04.2017 to 31.03.2018 28%
01.04.2016 to 31.03.2017 28%


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