Where any person interrogated omits to answer, or answer insufficiently, the party interrogating may apply to the Court for an order requiring him to answer, or to answer further, as the case may be. And an order may be made requiring him to answer or answer further, either by affidavit or by viva voce examination, as the Court may direct.
Order XI Rule 11 CPC Order to answer or answer further
Order XI Rule 12 CPC Application for discovery of documents
Order XI Rule 13 CPC Affidavit of documents
Order XI Rules 14 CPC Production of documents
Order XI Rule 15 CPC Inspection of documents referred to in pleadings or affidavits
Order XI Rule 16 CPC Notice to produce
Order XI Rule 17 CPC Time for inspection when notice given
Order XI Rule 18 CPC Order for inspection
Order XI Rule 19 CPC Verified copies
Order XI Rule 20 CPC Premature discovery
Order XI Rule 21 CPC Non-compliance with order for discovery
Order XI Rule 22 CPC Using answer to interrogatories at trial