(1) The order shall, if practicable, be served on the person against whom it is made, in the manner herein provided for service of a summons.
(2) If such order cannot be so served, it shall be notified by proclamation,
published in such manner as the State Government may, by rules, direct, and a
copy thereof shall be struck up at such place or places as may be fittest for
conveying the information to such person.
Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC)
131 CrPC Power of certain armed force officers to disperse assembly
132 CrPC Protection against prosecution for acts done under preceding sections
133 CrPC Conditional order for removal of nuisance
134 CrPC Service or notification of order
135 CrPC Person to whom order is addressed to obey or show cause
136 CrPC Consequences of his failing to do so
137 CrPC Procedure where existence of public right is denied
138 CrPC Procedure where he appears to show cause
139 CrPC Power of Magistrate to direct local investigation and examination of an expert
140 CrPC Power of Magistrate to furnish written instructions, etc