The award of Costs under this rule shall be in accordance with such rules as the High Court may make in that behalf.
Order XX Rule 11 CPC Decree may direct payment by instalments
Order XX Rule 12 CPC Decree for possession and mesne profits
Order XX Rule 13 CPC Decree in administration suit
Oder XX Rule 14 CPC Decree in pre-emption suit
Order XX Rule 15 CPC Decree in suit for dissolution of partnership
Order XX Rule 16 CPC Decree in suit for account between principal and agent
Order XX Rule 17 CPC Special directions as to accounts
Order XX Rule 19 CPC Decree when set-off or counter-claim is allowed
Order XX Rule 20 CPC Certified copies of judgment and decree to be furnished
Order XXA Rule 1 CPC Provisions relating to certain items
Order XXA Rule 2 CPC Costs to be awarded in accordance with the rules made by High Court