Notwithstanding that no notice to admit documents has been given under rule 2, the Court may, at any stage of the proceeding before it, of its own motion, call upon any party to admit any document and shall, in such a case, record whether the party admits or refuses or neglects to admit such document.
Order XII Rule 1 CPC Notice of admission of case
Order XII Rule 2 CPC Notice to admit documents
Order XII Rule 2A CPC Document to be deemed to be admitted if not denied after
service of notice to admit documents
Order XII Rule 3 CPC Form of notice
Order XII Rule 3A CPC Power of Court to record admission
Order XII Rule 4 CPC Notice to admit acts
Order XII Rule 5 CPC Form of admissions
Order XII Rule 6 CPC Judgment on admissions
Order XII Rule 7 CPC Affidavit of signature