(1) On the day so fixed or as soon thereafter as may be convenient the Court shall examine the witnesses (if any) produced by either party, and may examine the applicant or his agent, and shall may a full record of their evidence.
(1A) The examination of the witnesses under sub-rule (1) shall be confined to the matters specified in clause (b), clause (c) and clause (e) of rule 5 but the examination of the applicant or his agent may relate to any of the matters specified in rule 5.
(2) The Court shall also hear any argument which the parties may desire to offer on the question whether, on the face of the application and of the evidence (if any) taken by the Court under rule 6 or under this rule, the applicant is or is not subject to any of the prohibitions specified in rule 5.
(3) The Court shall then either allow or refuse to allow the applicant to sue as an indigent person.
Order XXXIII Rule 1 CPC Suits may be instituted by indigent persons
Order XXXIII Rule 1A CPC Inquiry into the means of an indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 2 CPC Contents of application
Order XXXIII Rule 3 CPC Presentation of application
Order XXXIII Rule 4 CPC Examination of applicant
Order XXXIII Rule 5 CPC Rejection of application
Order XXXIII Rule 6 CPC Notice of day for receiving evidence of applicant's indigency
Order XXXIII Rule 7 CPC Procedure at hearing
Order XXXIII Rule 8 CPC Procedure if application admitted
Order XXXIII Rule 9 CPC Withdrawal of permission to sue as an indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 9A CPC Court to assign a pleader to an unrepresented indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 10 CPC Costs where indigent person succeeds