Where the application is granted, it shall be numbered and registered, and shall be deemed the plaint in the suit, and the suit shall proceed in all other respects as a suit instituted in the ordinary manner, except that the plaintiff shall not be liable to pay any court-fee or fees payable for service of process in respect of any petition, appointment of a pleader or other proceeding connected with the suit.
Order XXXIII Rule 1 CPC Suits may be instituted by indigent persons
Order XXXIII Rule 1A CPC Inquiry into the means of an indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 2 CPC Contents of application
Order XXXIII Rule 3 CPC Presentation of application
Order XXXIII Rule 4 CPC Examination of applicant
Order XXXIII Rule 5 CPC Rejection of application
Order XXXIII Rule 6 CPC Notice of day for receiving evidence of applicant's indigency
Order XXXIII Rule 7 CPC Procedure at hearing
Order XXXIII Rule 8 CPC Procedure if application admitted
Order XXXIII Rule 9 CPC Withdrawal of permission to sue as an indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 9A CPC Court to assign a pleader to an unrepresented indigent person
Order XXXIII Rule 10 CPC Costs where indigent person succeeds